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 維生素-Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒

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也許各人都聽過 Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒,但印象中 Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒日常平凡是不打折的,可是今天告知你買 Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒到這裡買,可使用折價券買 Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒,並且宅配到府完全不消搬 Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒,真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

 Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒

  • Dietary Supplement

The activation in the body of important proteins – via a process known as carboxylation – appears to be at the center of most of vitamin K’s therapeutic benefits. When vitamin K is present as a co-factor, the proteins that are activated in this vitamin K-dependent process include multiple blood-clotting proteins (prothrombin and others), bone mineralization proteins (osteocalcin and calbindin), and the vascular calcification inhibitor protein (matrix Gla-protein).

若是你還在斟酌 Thorne Research, 3-K 綜合維生素素食膠囊,60 粒這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立刻購買,就可以囉~~

In the body, vitamin K “pairs up” with vitamin D, much like magnesium pairs up with calcium. The result is that both vitamin K and magnesium will help keep calcium in the bones and out of the blood vessels and other soft tissues. If you or your patients are taking supplemental vitamin D, then be sure to add supplemental vitamin K as 3-K Complete.


Unique features of 3-K Complete include:

  • An all-in-one formula that offers a synergistic blend of the two clinically studied forms of vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 (as MK-4 and MK-7)
  • A convenient 1-2 capsules per day suggested use to best support bone and cardiovascular health
  • Significantly more MK-4 than other multiple-K products on the market
  • The inclusion of MenaQ7 — the clinically studied MK-7

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